the event that shaped everything
The Ilderton volunteer fire department inception dates back to the year 1950. Ironically, the original fire hall location and the fire department formation is related to one of Ilderton's largest fires.
The I.O.O.F. hall was built on Main street in 1887 and had hosted many community gatherings. On a winter's morning in 1947 a fire broke out and quickly turned the hall to smoldering rubble within minutes. The flames fanned by wind sent embers that spread to adjoining buildings, destroying a nearby home. The fire was quickly spreading to the nearby Presbyterian Church but luckily it was saved by firemen. The firemen had to fight the fire from the attic since no ladders could reach the roof. Ilderton's fire equipment then consisted of two old soda-acid water tanks mounted on wheels and pulled by hand. Had it not been for wind blowing in the opposite direction, every building on Ilderton's main street could have been lost.

the need for local protection
The firemen that saved the town came from miles away and were company No.4 of the London Fire Department. This pivotal event had made it obvious there was a need for better fire protection for Ilderton and area. A board was organized to establish a volunteer fire department for Ilderton.
Ilderton firehall
So in 1950, with the help of local donations, a new fire hall called London Township No.2 opened. Ironically, it was built on the site where 3 years previous the I.O.O.F hall had burned down. The first district Fire Chief was Bert Scarborough and assistant Chiefs were Glenn Reeve and Cecil Walls.

Front row – S.McNair, A.J.Paisley, G.Reeve, C.Grieve, B.Scarborough, W.Goddard, A.Stewart, W.Douglas, W.Hull, D.MacKenzie, B.Bice

more equipment
In 1962 another fire truck was delivered to the Ilderton firefighters. Certificate from Lafrance for the apparatus above dated June 6, 1962 signed by Fire Chief Bert Scarborough.
New station
The current fire station in Ilderton on Hyde Park Road was opened in 2003. The first offical district chief was the veteran Chief Harvey. The station is equipped with 4 vehicles: Engine, Tanker/Pumper, Rescue Truck and a Off-Road Rescue UTV.

Most common questions
Coldstream station.